20 October 2008

3:34 PM - 1 comment

Dear Colin Powell

I love you and it absolutely nothing to do with you endorsing Obama. I know that is hard to believe in light of recent facts and the Meet the Press Interview but I remain true to who I am.

For the last 8 years I have watched the party I love be ripped to shreds by factions that think the fate of the unborn child is more important than the millions of living ones in failed school systems.

For the last 8 years I have watched the party I have supported for decades sell our soul for a couple of bucks to the highest bidder.

For the last 8 years I have watched the party I admire lie and connive and misled the nation all in order to enrich their personal coffers

For the last 8 years I have watched the nation torn apart by minute differences instead of uniting behind a common cause

For the last 8 years I have regretted the vote I cast that fateful day November 7 morning in Miami.

For the last 8 years I have seen patriotism used as a weapon by the greedy to subjucate the free voice of the people.

For the last 8 years I have seen fear used as a weapon by the weak to dilute the Constution of the United States.

For the last 8 years I have watched the foundations of not only my party but my church disintegrate because we have been more concerned by what the world does.

The damage that has been done in 8 years cannot be righted with one endorsement and that is why I repeat that I am not in love with you because you endorsed Obama, I don't subscribe to the mentality that he can fix all of our problems like some do.

I love you because listening to you reminded mii of why I joined this party.
Integrity and Truth
Compassion and Welfare
Freedom and Fiscal Conservatism

ahhh i miss the good ole days
thanks for reminding mii of our greatness



I had no clue you were a republican.

Anyway, I watched the 'BlackList' on HBO and listened to Powell give some really sound counsel. I have always respected him and wish him the best of luck.